Monday, March 7, 2011

they talk with their motion

a couple months ago, i found a book about how to communicate to other people who can not talk (mute) by using a hand symbol. then i just become interested to learn how using that symbol to communicate those people like that. that's one of the disability that begun since they're born. actually there are 5 types of disability, such impairments may include; physical disability, sensory disability, intellectual disability, mental health & emotional disabilities, and development disability. ya and hearing impairment is one of the diseases due to sensory disability. hearing impairment or deafness refers to conditions in which individuals are fully unable to detect or preceive at least some frequencies of sound which can typically be heard by most people.

so guys i wanna share something to you. actually i have a bad story which was happened when i was in elementary school. although it sounds not a really bad story, but it could make me crying out loud. yeah, it's all about me and one of that kinda people who cant talk normally. i was 7th years old when it happened. at school, when the bell was ringing at 12.00 o'clock, it meant that it's time to go home and time for school just over. at that moment, i was waiting my driver to pick me up from my school. while i was waiting him, i decided to go to canteen to buy some candies. after i got my candies, there's a gift from the candies that i bought and suprisingly thats a paper toys. so, i was really excited to create that paper toys by my own self. and suddenly someone came over me. i thought that she's a boy but i was wrong. she had a short hair and of course she's taller than me. she act like a kids because she's wearing kids clothes but physically she didn't look like a kids. it began when she tried to communicate with me by using her symbol of her hand then i was shocked and confused of the motion she's doing. yeah, totally she got me afraid. i just wondered, why she couldn't talk to me even just a little words with her mouth. she act like she really didn't know how to speak. with the motion she was doing, i thought she asked for the paper toys that i held. surely, the paper toys looked interesting for her. yeah, so i gave her mine without any words came out from my mouth and then i just left her alone. i didn't look back since i left her in that school terrace whereas she looked like having something more to say. because of the fear that i felt, i began to cry and i was totally shocked then became traumatic of kind people like that since that moment.

but from this time, i want to against the fear that i felt before. i wanna make some new friends who have the disability like that then communicate with them by using hand symbol. it's gonna be really interesting. then i hope i'll never get afraid of those kind people like that anymore because i'm sure they need a friend, not people who fear them and i believe they'd be happy to have some new friend who can understand what they talk about with their motion. :)

i wanna make an innovation product to help them for their better life! make their life easy and comfortable. yeah, that's one of my little dreams in my life :))

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