Sunday, November 27, 2011

Remember When

ketika kau dan aku jatuh cinta ❤

footfalls echo in the memory down the passage which we didn't take towards the door we never opened into the nose. garden
-T.S Eliot-

your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.
- Richard Bach, illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah-

life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get
-f gump-

i had never spoken to her, except for a few casual words.
and yet her name was like summon to all my foolish blood
-James Joyce-

If you ❤ enough, you'll lie a lot
- Tori Amos -

And breath by breath and death by death we followed the chain of change
- langdon smith -

and i look again towards the sky as the raindrops mix with the tears i cry
- unknown -

life is not the amount of breaths you take,
it's the moments that take your breath away
- the hitch -

❥ is a tiny elf dancing a merry little jig, and suddenly he turns to you with a machine gun
- unknown -

Allie : They fell in ❥ , didn't they?
Duke : Yes, they did
- The notebook -

How much do you still want me to ❥ you?
- Toto, Lea -

I can see the pain living in your eyes
and i know how hard you try
but you deserve so much more
- Air supply, Goodbye -

losing you is painful to me
- Air Supply -

A friendship that can be ended didnt ever start
- Mellin de Saint - Gelais, Ouevre Poétiques -

But i'm just a girl
standing in front of a boy
asking him to love her
- Julia Roberts, Nothing Hill -

She's out of my life
i dont know whether to laugh or cry
- Josh Groban, She's Out of My Life -

Remember When
Author : Winna Effendi

Saturday, November 12, 2011

another quote i like

Beberapa minggu yang lalu pas lagi suntuk-suntuknya dengerin dosen gue ngoceh di mata kuliah gue yang rada ambigu, gue iseng liat-liat buku temen gue, dan ternyata gue menemukan di satu halaman bukunya yang isinya tentang curhatan. diem-diem gue liat, trus tiba-tiba temen gue rebut tu buku saking kagetnya ngeliat gue lagi baca bagian yang itu sampe pake acara rebutan segala -____- sampe akhirnya dia blg "oh ini, gue pikir apaan hehe gue ambil dari blog orang " zzz banget lah yaa. tapi kata-katanya bener-bener bikin gue tertarik untuk gue copy sampe gue pinjem buat difoto trus gue share di blog gue deh haha.

" saya sering sekali merasa bahwa hidup orang lain lebih bahagia, lebih indah dan beruntung,
kemudian timbul keinginan " andai saya jadi dia ". sampai saya tersadar, begitu banyak orang ingin memiliki hidup seperti saya, seindah hidup saya, sebahagia saya dan seberuntung saya.
iya, saya lupa bersyukur atas apa yang saya miliki karena saya sibuk melihat bahagia orang lain. padahal tiap orang punya porsi kebahagiaan dan kesedihan masing-masing yang semuanya telah ditetapkan oleh Allah SWT yang Maha Adil. Jadi untuk apa iri sama orang lain? "

cereal time :D

cause i thought this was not enough for me,
so i added a lot more till my stomach couldn't be filled anymore haha

having a lot of fun with the fruity pebbles :D

i started my day with a sweet breakfast fruity pebbles cereal mixed with chocolate milk.
and for the taste, totally those were such a great combination

maybe next time i should try another combination,
how about strawberry milk? mm, it's likely to be an interesting one.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

photograph from the heart ❥

taken by me with olympus epl 1
thanks to sabila for letting me borrow her new cam,
so helpful on distributing my ideas in photography :D

designed by :
❥ Karina Nurlita

baggybaggybag! :D

Product Design 4
from the concept to the real desire yeeaah!
handbag made from jeans and genuine leather :D

another project
kain jumputan
my first project of desain nusantara

sedikit cerita, gue bikin motif jumputan ini pake pewarna batik (napthol)
intinya cara pembuatannya cuma pake teknik ikat dan celap celup.
hasilnya seperti itu deh! sebetulnya buat bikin warna yang oke cuma butuh feeling dan taste yg oke. buat tekniknya sendiri ga rumit, bisa pake teknik jelujur atau ikat diisi biji-bijian, atau bisa dilipat bolak-balik dan diikat karet.

sebetulnya tujuan prioritas gue buat tas jumputan supaya tu tas bisa gue pake hahahhaa, awalnya gue pkir tu tas bisa langsung gue pake, tapi karena ada penilaian dosen dan dokumentasi, jumputan tas gue jadi ketunda pemakaian selama 2 minggu huhu. belum lagi ditambah ancaman dosen "kamu mau dapet nilai A ga? diikhlasin aja" ---> stress mendadak
but finally yang gue rasain lega karna selesai juga berkotor-kotoran tangan dengan naptol warna-warni di jari dan belum lagi gatelnya sodakustik haha :D

note : buat bikin jumputan ini, ada campuran tertentu yang bikin gatel, jadi gue saranin pake sarung tangan plastik kalo mau celap celup. *just in case daripada tangan & jari lo berubah merah dan bengkak* hahah