Tuesday, August 2, 2011


* life is like a book, you're the author then starting to write your own story, making complete, and surely writing the end story.

* life is just like the vines, they're growing but dont know where they're going to. sometimes.

* if they stuck of their life then say, "there's no choice for a better life" i'll say "there's so many choices you have, wheter the better one or the worst one you'll choose"

* life is not like a fairytale, life is a reality so dont dream to much cause you have to wake up and get your time!

* life is life but the death's still waiting you and none knows when your time comes. only god knows.

* life is about looking forward, there's no time to look back cause the past has just passed. better to look forward then to look back. i'm sure it's totally true.

* life is you and yours.

* life is about reaching what you want to reach.

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